Hearts & Lashes Pageviews

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Is this me?

Well, our life has been so different since God stepped in and said "go".  God has transformed our lives in different way, and has challenged us.   It hasn't been all roses.  It hasn't been easy.  But it has, indeed been an adventure for our family.

This year, has been no exception.  As we arrived in Honduras, things were challenging.  Cars didn't work properly, the mechanics didn't do what they said they did, I fell and tore the muscle in my elbow and had to wear a cast for a few weeks, then Makenzie and I got sick - first she had the croupe - then I got sick and we were home for days, we had some MAJOR electrical issues at our new house, a dear friend came down to visit for a week - and as she was here, we ended up taking her to the hospital - VERY scary situation, we then had to say goodbye to another dear friend, then we had some crazy storms that caused problems with different things at the farm, then Andy (along with a few others) had some things stolen out of a truck (including 3 passports, a laptop, a Kindle, and several other things) and last but not least, I fell and hurt my ankle - it was NOT broken, but I've been limping for a few days now.   As I look back, the challenges have been huge.  But, I know that God has brought us here for the INCREDIBLE things that we've accomplished so far this year.

God gave us the means to create a Shutterfly book for a dear friend, Rosa, who had lost her daughter, Rossy to Cerebral Palsy.  We had an amazing family time in San Pedro Sula (much needed with sickness, and so many other things going on) earlier in the year.  I had an awesome birthday with my daughter and husband by my side (which several birthdays over the last few years, we have NOT had with my husband).  We were able to create a surprise party for a little 4 year old girl, Lauren, who had NEVER had a birthday party in all her life.  A new little man came into our lives, and even though I haven't gotten to meet in person, my new nephew, he's still very special.  We planted a garden, and saw the "fruits" of it come to fruition.  We had a great time with some old friends who came down.  We've had some amazing teams come down who have taught me so much about life, love and God.  We've had some amazing interns who are also teaching me things.  We had a great visit with another dear friend who just came down to spend time with us!  And, I've had an opportunity to bless some of our scholarship students through photography.

I just can't believe how blessed we've been this year.  Even through the trials and tribulations, God has shown His face and hand in everything.

I would like to say something about photography.  You know, I've never been too good at it.  But God gave me a pretty good camera, and I always felt like I needed a descent one to be able to take pictures of our family, our life and adventures... so our family and friends back in the US could "be a part" of our lives.  But, a little while back, God gave me the thought of using it as a ministry opportunity.  He put the desire in my heart to take pictures of our Senior scholarship students.  In the US, we always get "Senior Pictures"... it's standard.  We pose with our "awesome" cars, our pets, our best outfits, and we even go to get our hair and makeup done (for the girls) before going to have our "sitting".  But, in Honduras, they get a "picture" that is nothing too fancy... and is very basic.  They don't smile.  They don't make a big deal.  Then they graduate.  Their mothers have something like this hanging on their walls to commemorate your big life event:

I mean, it's nice and all - but couldn't they have better.  Especially knowing that 6 out of 10 of our graduating seniors are the FIRST EVER in their family to graduate from high school.

So, I set out to make it happen - and just this week, I've ordered the pictures (and a few "surprises") for the kids.  My plan is that I will go find frames for their pictures, put the pictures in them, and then the kids will present the gift to their mothers.  It should be amazing.  Here's a sample of some of the pictures I took:

I can't wait to see what God does with this... and can't wait to see the faces of the ladies when they get presented with these gifts.